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  • Columnradiatorfeet SL00
  • Columnradiatorfeet SL01
  • Columnradiatorfeet SL02

Column Radiator Feet

Top Quality, Low Cost, Column Radiator Feet.

Our excellent range of radiator feet are a perfect accompaniment to your new Column Radiator. This product provides impressive levels of support for your new Column Radiator, this is achieved by alleviating some of the strain that these radiators can place on your walls by sharing the weight of the radiator between the wall mounts and the feet. The sturdy construction of these radiator feet means that this product will last and will be able to provide support for the life of the radiator. The added beneift of using these Column Radiator Feet is that these feet really add to the aesthetic of your new Column Radiator, the clean lines and industrial styling really accentuate the looks of your new radiator making it a true centrepiece for your heating environment.

For more information please consult our Buying Guide. If you have any questions or wish to order please contact our Friendly Sales Team who will be happy to help.

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